Generalized extensive experimental and theoretical data regarding the phase transitions of polymer systems in mechanical and magnetic fields provide the possibility to predict the results of external field effects on the structure and mutual solubility of components. The data on dynamic structuring in deformed polymer blends and solutions allow for the use of found regularities by the processing of polymer systems. The methods offered in this book allow for the connection of shift of phase diagrams in the mechanical field with changes in macromolecule sizes. The tutorials described here will help the reader to correctly build the phase diagrams of polymer systems using a variety of methods.
Gautam, K. S., Kumar, S., Wermeille, D., Robinson, D., and Dhinojwala, A. (2003). Observation of novel liquid-crystalline phase above the bulk-melting temperature. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 215501.1–215501.4. Ge, J. J., Li, C. Y., Xue, G., ...
This unique book aims to expose the reader to a wide range of phenomena occurring when soft matter systems are put under the influence of an external electric field.
This unique book aims to expose the reader to a wide range of phenomena occurring when soft matter systems are put under the influence of an external electric field.
27 Maxim , L. D. , A. Klein , M. E. Meyer , and C. H. Kuist . 1969. J. Polym . Sci . , 27 : 195 . 28 Kiparissides , C. , J. F. MacGregor , S. Singh and A. E. Hamielec . 1980. Can J. Chem . Eng . , 58:65 . 29 Egusa , S. 1982. J. Coll .
... Polymer Compound on SAR Values of RF Phones Igor V. SMIRNOV Global Quantech ... structure of water and subsequently modify the electrodynamic properties of ... external electromagnetic field can affect local orientations and phase ...
... phase transition in a varying temperature field. Ukr. J. Phys. 66, 978 (2021) 32. S.A. Vshivkov, Phase Transitions and Structure of Polymer Systems in External Fields (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), 381p 33. P.J. Flory, Principles of ...
... external electromagnetic field can affect local orientations and phase transitions in polymer crystalline systems of longitudinal chains. The longitudinal polymer crystalline system is a macromolecule of consecutively copolymerized ...
This book covers the essential criteria for selecting the best test types for various applications and new developments, for accurately interpreting results, and for determining other areas where rheology and rheological phenomena may be ...
... structure of these polymers. While many polymers are highly flexible and ... polymer chains formation (nM —— Mn, where n > 38) (Fig. 6.1). Fig. 6.1 Epoxy ... phase transition, network topology and polarity. A number of studies show that ...
64: Fluctuations and Localization in Mesoscopic Electron Systems M Janssen Vol. 65: Universal Fluctuations: The Phenomenology of Hadronic Matter R Botet and M Ploszajczak Vol. 66: Microcanonical Thermodynamics: Phase Transitions in ...