What is research and how does it work in the context of nursing, health and social care? Now in its 7th edition, this introductory guide provides you with a concise overview of the different research methods and terminology that you will come across when undertaking research in any course related to nursing, health and social care. The book’s easy-to-follow structure takes you from research novice to confident researcher, helping you to make sense of research and understand how it is implemented in healthcare practice. The new edition includes: Updates in line with the 2018 NMC standards, with more information on the impact of GDPR, consent and vulnerable groups, Personal and Public Involvement (PPI), and work-based projects. Improved case examples of real research, with more on group work, poster presentations, research output and dissemination, literature reviews, and dissertations. Upgraded activities that include reflective exercises, critical appraisal tools, a dissemination plan, and a glossary, all in the book. This is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students within the health and therapy professions, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, and paramedics.
Research is now an integral part of everyday practice in health and social care. The fourth edition of this essential book equips professionals in these fields with the tools to read, analyse and apply research effectively in their work.
This text removes some of the mystique of research and would certainly encourage the practioner to explore some of the areas raised in more depth.
Many people find research concepts difficult to grasp, but this book makes it easy by providing a straightforward guide to the basics.
This book answers all your students' questions on the nursing research process.
Philosophical Magazine, 2(series 6) ̧ 559-572. Pearson, E. S., & Hartley, H. O. ... Schwarz, N., Knauper, B., Hippler, H.-J., Noelle-Neumann, E., & Clark, L. (1991). Rating scales: Numeric values may change the meaning of scale labels.
Mitchell , L. ( 1999 ) ' Combining focus groups and interviews : telling how it is ; telling how it feels ' , in S. Barbour and J. Kitzinger ( eds ) , Developing Focus Group Research : Politics , Theory and Practice . London : Sage .
Brunton, G., Wiggins, M. and Oakley, A. (2011) Becoming a Mother: A Research Synthesis of Women's Views on the Experience of First-time Motherhood. London: EPPI Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of ...
This text aims to demystify research for nurses, covering quantitive and qualitive methods of research and looking at issues such as ethics and the application of findings to patient care.
This is the first textbook to show how research using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods relates to improving health and social care practice.
This book focuses on enabling students to understand what research is, why it is relevant in healthcare and how it should be applied in practice.