Are you a social work student looking to understand how the law, ethics and social policy interrelate in practice? Then look no further! Whether you a student or Newly Qualified Social Worker working with children and families or adults at risk of harm, this practical guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to fulfil your professional responsibilities and practice with confidence. This book covers all the areas of law you need to know: social work with children and families, vulnerable adults and social issues such as welfare and homelessness. Each section concludes with a discussion of how social policy and ethics relate to each area of social work law. This gives real-world context to what you have learnt, alongside thought boxes, exercises and case studies in each chapter to further encourage reflection and put theory into practice.
Puzzled by terminology, skills, law, or theory? Revising for your placement or exam? Then look no further! This series of concise and easy-to-use A-Zs will be your guide.
Familiarity with law, legislation and legal processes is consequently fundamental to sound social work practice. This bestselling book helps social work students gain this foothold in understanding law as it applies to social work practice.
Scourfield, P. (2007) 'Social care and the modern citizen: client, consumer, service user, manager and entrepreneur', British JournalofSocial Work, 37: 107-22. Sen, A. (2009) The Idea ofJustice, Cambridge, Mass.
This sort of sequential reasoning is useful for condoning inequality and subordination . The inequality can be made to disappear if one assumes away its antecedent . Second , feminist analysis applied to equal protection of the law ...
Using an applied, practice-based and refreshingly ′real′ approach, this text bridges the gap between law and ethics. Each chapter opens with a case study which considers ethical dilemmas in real life practice.
This book covers all the areas of law you need to know: social work with children and families, vulnerable adults and social issues such as welfare and homelessness.
The second edition of Social Work Policy Practice: Changing Our Community, Nation, and the World demystifies policymaking for social work students and demonstrates why policy practice is a critical dimension of social work.
This book offers a critical introduction to professional ethics for social workers.
However, personalisation as a policy does place expectations on private individuals who are family members – namely that ... Within this, 28 per cent or 263 were older people, the other groups included working-age physically disabled ...
David Lewis, an engineer with Network Rail, broke down in tears at the hearing when he admitted that he had forgotten to check the points in question. However, it emerged that Mr Lewis had repeatedly warned the company that shortage of ...