This book was written to show my appreciation and gratitude for what my mother taught me as a child. I never knew my father but I was raised by a loving mother, in a loving home. It has been said that history has taught us that kids born in single- parent households are more likely to end up as failures. I'm writing this to dispel the lies about "nothing good can come from the hood." Anyone growing up in America can become whatever he or she desires if given the opportunity, proper nurturing, and an education. If we are to become that person that God has destined for us to be, it is up to us to prepare and not be hindered by people or circumstances. Adversity comes only to strengthen us for that journey from zero to hero. No man has the power to hold you down unless you give it to him. We owe it to the millions of oppressed people in the past that had the desire to be somebody but not the will to do it. 20 THINGS THAT MY FATHER NEVER TOLD ME BUT MY MOTHER DID... was written to show that all it takes is one person to believe in you and how being loved can make you unstoppable. I have never read about anyone being able to stand in front of a train once that train is gaining momentum in route to its destination. This book is not just about how to defeat the things that hold you back, but to continue to move forward to your pre- determined position in this life. I hope this book blesses you as much as it blessed me putting it together and writing it. REMEMBER: WITH GOD THERE IS NO PAIN WITHOUT PURPOSE!!!!!!