Discover The Most Haunted Places In The World! A sudden cold grips the air. A faint, ominous whisper can be heard nearby. Out of nowhere - in the corner of your eye - a faint image of a human shape appears. A horrid chill goes up your spine as the figure dissipates into thin air. What was it? An elaborate trick of the mind? An energetic imprint from another time? A dimensional bleed-through? Or was it perhaps a lost spirit, a ghost? From the abandoned halls of a run-down hospital, to the desolate battlefield of a war long gone, during the course of this book we will explore ten of the most haunted places in the world. Who knows, at the end of it all, you may have exciting plans for your next vacation! Or, perhaps, you would rather hide beneath the safety of your bed sheets... Let the faint of heart beware!