Persuasion: How I Seduced Lady Luck and Become a Master of Manipulation and Mind Control: (The Art of Seduction, Seductive...

Persuasion: How I Seduced Lady Luck and Become a Master of Manipulation and Mind Control: (The Art of Seduction, Seductive...
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Adrienne M. Krirstern


Getting Your FREE Bonus Download this book, read it to the end and see "BONUS: Your FREE Gift" chapter after the conclusion. Persuasion: (FREE Bonus Included)How I Seduced Lady Luck And Become A Master Of Manipulation And Mind Control It's no secret that the world we live in is a competitive one. Everyone is doing their best to hold the position they already have, and try to progress further in life. This isn't something that only pertains to the workplace, either. No matter what you do with your life, odds are you want to be better at it. To become more successful. To have greater luck in what you do. To be able to pursue something and know you are going to have the kind of outcome you are hoping for. The problem with this is that it is all hope. Hit and miss. Win some and lose some. Let me tell you, it doesn't have to be that way for you anymore. There is a way you can learn how to change your luck and influence the world around you into doing what you want them to do. When you master this, you are going to be able to count on getting that answer you want, every time. Erase the struggle, and erase the chance in your life. Start living with certain outcomes and greater influence on the world around you, and get those "yes" answers you have been craving. This book is going to show you how to do that very thing, and in no time at all you are going to be on top of your game for good. Learn the art of persuasion and how you can use it to your benefit Learn how to influence the world around you in a subtle manner Learn the confidence skills you need to succeed in this Learn how to change other people to fit into what you need Learn how to master your own luck and use it to better your life And more! Download your E book "Persuasion: How I Seduced Lady Luck And Become A Master Of Manipulation And Mind Control"Buy Now with 1-Click" button!

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