Kaplan's, 5-Steps, Crash Course and other review books are great resources for that last month before the exam, but Tamm's Textbook Tools student activity books are meant to be an accompaniment all year long. This AP* U.S. History companion is filled with vocab and assignments that follow the Kennedy/Cohen sixteenth edition for all 41 chapters. They can be used as regular weekly assignments or reviews. They can be used on short notice if there is a sub, or be assigned as regular homework. All you need is the textbook. Teachers can copy at will, or the book can be used as a student consumable. As publishers began putting their content online, a niche for traditional classwork was opened, a void filled by this series. And whether the textbook itself is written in ink or electrons, many students still find it more valuable to write and keep notes for themselves on paper, and portfolios still matter. The activities in this workbook challenge students to apply the concepts, give examples, and diagram every chapter. Find TTT on FB.