The relationships between ancient Egypt and other cultures transcend time, so in this volume of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections the reader will find a sampling of the diverse ways in which these have manifested: a 19th century "multi-media" exhibition; the challenges of museum exhibits that place Egypt in a wider African context; interplay between Egyptology and opera; Eastern European travelers to Egypt; mummies as souvenirs; what is lost by the emphasis on the pharaonic period in archaeological excavation; excavation of Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten Commandments (1923) film set; the origin of the term "Egyptomania"; and two book reviews related to Egyptological history.
Myth Versus Reality Gregory S. Aldrete, Graham Sumner. provincials into working for Rome rather than against it ... resonance , given the current impassioned debate about immigration and what policies countries should adopt toward those ...