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About Persuasion by Jane AustenPersuasion is Jane Austen's last completed novel, published posthumously. She began it soon after she had finished Emma and completed it in August 1816. Persuasion was published in December 1817, but is dated 1818. The author died earlier in 1817. As the Napoleonic Wars come to an end in 1814, Admirals and Captains of the Royal Navy are put ashore, their work done. Anne Elliot meets Captain Frederick Wentworth after seven years, by the chance of his sister and brother-in-law renting her father's estate, while she stays for a few months with her married sister, living nearby. They fell in love the first time, but she broke off the engagement. Besides the theme of persuasion, the novel evokes other topics, with which Austen was familiar: the Royal Navy, in which two of Jane Austen's brothers rose to the rank of admiral; and the superficial social life of Bath. It is portrayed extensively and serves as a setting for the second half of Persuasion. In many respects, Persuasion marks a break with Austen's previous works, both in the more biting, even irritable satire directed at some of the novel's characters and in the regretful, resigned outlook of its otherwise admirable heroine, Anne Elliot, in the first part of the story. Against this is set the energy and appeal of the Royal Navy, which symbolises for Anne and the reader the possibility of a more outgoing, engaged, and fulfilling life, and it is this worldview which triumphs for the most part at the end of the novel. Persuasion is linked to Northanger Abbey not only by the fact that the two books were originally bound up in one volume and published together, but also because both stories are set partly in Bath, a fashionable city with which Austen was well acquainted, having lived there from 1801 to 1805.
「to be or not to be, this is a question.」〈哈姆雷特〉 「玫瑰即使不叫玫瑰,依然芬芳。」〈羅密歐與茱麗葉〉 ...
诺亚·霍利著《坠落之前/果然世界不错畅销小说大系》记录了一架私人飞机坠机,11名乘客中,只有2名幸存――一位默默无名的画家斯科特和传媒大亨的四岁儿子。遇难人员包括传媒 ...
蒙哥馬利的《綠山牆的安妮》是一部最甜蜜的描寫兒童生活的小說,也是一本可以讓家長、老師和孩子都能從中獲得感悟的心靈讀物。作者的語言清新自然,筆觸生動幽默,以細膩 ...
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寫給聰明女生的指南! 做自己,比任何事都重要!女性覺醒之書 《自己的房間》是基於兩篇講稿。一九二八年十月二十日和二十六日,吳爾芙自倫敦兩次來劍橋大學,分別在紐納姆 ...
女性若是想要寫作,一定要有錢和自己的房間。——維吉尼亞.吳爾芙 Thinking is My Fighting. 吳爾芙帶領我們找回女性創作與雌雄同體的身影, 預言莎士比亞的妹妹就在你我身旁出現! ...