The kids of Pancake Court thought there weren't any mysteries until Bean, Private Investigator, and her assistant, Ivy, invent some. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Spotlight is a division of ABDO.
Watch out, you diabolical masterminds!
Annie Barrows' bestselling chapter book series, Ivy & Bean, is a classroom favorite and has been keeping kids laughing–—and reading—for more than a decade!
Seven-year-old Bean is too young to go to the camp her sister Nancy is attending, so she and her best friend Ivy decide to create their own camp.
For use in schools and libraries only. When seven-year-old Bean plays a mean trick on her sister, she finds unexpected support for her antics from Ivy, the new neighbor, who is less boring than Bean first suspected.
Second-graders Ivy and Bean set out to expel the ghost who is living in the girls' bathroom at their school.
They need to get out their shovels and turn up some treasure on the double! • A laugh-out-loud adventure • Bestselling series—more than 6 million copies sold! • From beloved author Annie Barrows and award-winning illustrator Sophie ...
Of course plans go awry, but fun ensues! Includes bonus material! - Sneak peek chapter from the next book in the Ivy + Bean series Ivy and Bean Bound to Be Bad by Annie Barrows, illustrated by Sophie Blackall
When all the second grade students must enter the science fair, which has global warming as its theme, best friends Ivy and Bean team up to create an unusual project.
Annie Barrows, Sophie Blackall. animal on the inside. They loved him,” Ivy said. Bean thought about that. “Like Snow White, you mean?” Hadn't the birds helped Snow White make a pie? Ivy made a face. “Snow White wasn't good.
After watching a movie about a detective on the television, Bean decides to set up shop as a private investigator--and she and Ivy start looking for mysteries to solve.