Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know to Stop Setting Back Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight Loss
Teresa Mathis, Georgia Miles, Ronnie Roberson


BOOK #1: Final DIET BOOK You'll EVER Need to Buy: 24 Slim Down Steps for Everlasting Results This book is a treasure trove of diet information in a terse and succinct form. It covers most everything in a capsule style: why diet, how to diet, and what choices you have today. It is also motivational to help you get over your reticence and procrastination because you haven't believed in dieting before. It doesn't promote a fad or a product. It does promote knowing about the process, and why customization and choosing the right program for your needs is essential. It is about setting goals and objectives and being realistic about the time frame BOOK #2: Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know to Unchain the Power of Leptin Hormone and Regulate Your Appetite Leptin is a crucial yet newly discovered hormone that can have a huge impact on your weight, and ultimately your life. Even though this absolutely crucial hormone has been around as long as we humans have set foot on the earth, it's only now that we're really starting to understand how much of an effect it has on all of our lives. BOOK #3: Healthy Habits: Feel Great With 33 Healthy Eating Habits That Will Stop Setting Back Your Weight Loss Goals It's time to ditch the fad diets which only result in the "yo-yo" effect. The quick weight loss cycles induced by complicated, convoluted fad diets are unhealthy and a thing of the past. Forget about the failures and prepare yourself for the ultimate guide to healthy eating habits. It's time to start learning safe, effective methods for shedding weight quickly and keeping it off. BOOK #4: Weight Loss: The 40 Steps Weight Loss Challenge for Women: Transform Your Lifestyle and Be Healthy, Happy and In Shape This e-book on weight loss for women is the perfect motivational companion for building a better personal look whatever your motivation. It can be for yourself or to attract others. It is loaded with suggestions for the average person in order to take on a new persona and get thinner thighs, a firmer belly, and a perky butt. These are the tough target areas for most ladies, but they can be addressed by compliance with our guidelines. A great deal of satisfaction comes with the territory. BOOK #5: 5:2 Diet: Scale Down the Risk of Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer With 5:2 Diet Regime If you are someone interested in maintaining and improving your health, then you've probably already met with a nutritionist or have been pouring over books on all types of health diets. Depending on the present state of your health, you've been advised what to eat and what kinds of foods to stay away from. While there are countless diets you can try to better your health, this book focuses on the 5:2 Diet. BOOK #6: Dash Diet: The Ultimate Guide to Dash Diet with 12 Life-saving Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast & Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke and Diabetes This book will give you all the information you need to get started on the DASH diet and to help you make sure it is right for not only you but for your family as well. BOOK #7: Wheat Free: 22 Amazing Secrets of the Wheat Free Diet for Fast Weight Loss his eBook will shed light on some of the secrets and mystery surrounding the wheat free diet/lifestyle and in the aggregate, the reader will be smarter in food choice and regimen. The wheat revolution is more than just another low-carbohydrate, high protein diet, but rather provides alternatives that are filling, nutritious, and delicious. Getting Your FREE Bonus Read this book, and find "BONUS: Your FREE Gift" chapter right after the introduction or after the conclusion.