Start Your Own Business and Make Huge Profits! Is this the right time to create a new business? Absolutely! With this Expanded Second Edition of Small Business: Blueprint on How to Start and Build a Successful Business from Scratch - Startup, Entrepreneur, and Business Ideas, you'll learn to take advantage of today's low startup costs, new growth in technology, and high levels of support. With the business philosophies in this essential book, you'll be ready for the big time! Read this book right away and learn the latest trends and niches to exploit! Small Business teaches you to define success, test your ideas, and show yourself to your customers. You'll learn how to set up a landing page, conduct market analyses, create customer profiles, and understand the requirements of your business. You'll find out how to get investors and startup capital, identify your target audience, and connect with consumers with today's hottest technologies and social media platforms. This book even includes the 10 Step Guide to Starting Your Very Own Business! and powerful product recommendations for smart entrepreneurs. Don't wait - read Small Business: Blueprint on How to Start and Build a Successful Business from Scratch - Startup, Entrepreneur, and Business Ideas today! You'll be so glad you did!