Romania actively seeks foreign direct investment, and offers 19 million consumers, a relatively well-educated workforce at competitive cost, a strategic location, and abundant natural resources, making it an attractive marketplace. To date, favored areas for U.S. investment include IT and telecommunications, energy, services, manufacturing, especially in the automotive sector, and consumer products. Romania has taken steps to strengthen tax administration, enhance transparency, and create legal means to resolve contract disputes expeditiously. Mergers and acquisitions are subject to review by the Competition Council. The Competition Law allows Romania's Supreme Defense Council to review strategic mergers and acquisitions, in addition to review by the Competition Council. To date, the Supreme Defense Council has not acted on any merger or acquisition. Romania's accession to the European Union (EU) on January 1, 2007 has helped solidify institutional reform. However, judicial, legislative, fiscal and regulatory unpredictability continue to negatively affect the investment climate.