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How is this book unique?Little Lord Fauntleroy is the first children's novel written by English playwright and author Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was originally published as a serial in the St. Nicholas Magazine between November 1885 and October 1886, then as a book by Scribner's in 1886. The accompanying illustrations by Reginald Birch set fashion trends and Little Lord Fauntleroy also set a precedent in copyright law when in 1888 its author won a lawsuit against E. V. Seebohm over the rights to theatrical adaptations of the work.
Little Lord Fauntleroy: Easyread Comfort Edition
The first children's novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Little Lord Fauntleroy enjoyed an unprecedented popularity among both children and adult readers.
Burnett's conviction that love conquers all is memorably embodied in this tale of an American boy who is transported from the mean streets of 19th-century New York to the splendor of his titled grandfather's English manor.
The famous children classic story „Little Lord Fauntleroy” by Frances Hodgson Burnett about Cedric and his grandfather, the Earl of Dorincourt.
"How Fauntleroy Occurred, and a Very Real Little Boy Became an Ideal One" is a story written by Frances Burnett in which she compared her famous creation Little Lord Fauntleroy and her youngest son Vivian.
A precious gift set of Puffin's stunning collection of hardcover classics!
Un garçon de sept ans est transporté des rues méchantes de New York au XIXe siècle à la splendeur du manoir anglais de son grand-père dans ce classique bien-aimé de la littérature pour enfants.
But all things are possible through a child's innocent trust, true friendship, and unconditional love. Thank you for your interest shown on this book. Have a great day !
Little Lord Fauntleroy: with original illustrations Little Lord Fauntleroy (1885, 1886) by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a beloved children's novel that made a huge impact on the 19th century public, shaping everything from boys' clothing ...
LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY Vol.3:Modern EnglishTHIS EDITION: This is Volume 3 of 3. (Little Lord Fauntleroy was originally published as a serial, and then as a book.) The story was originally written in English.