The First deliverance is a catastrophic blow to the kingdom of darkness. You are taken behind the scenes to see how individuals and nations get enslaved by the devil. And you are shown exactly what you need to do to set yourself free from every satanic yoke. When you don't the cause of a problem, you will not be able solve it once and for all. Going for deliverance without pinning down exactly what is wrong in your life or family root will doom you to repetitive prayers with seemingly no answers forthcoming. The First Deliverance will equip you with all the weapons you need to overtake and take back your possessions from the enemy. It will show you how to bring down the walls of Jericho stifling and throttling your destiny. It will show you how to break down the satanic barriers impeding your business, take down all oppositions to growth and prosperity in your family, and it will teach how to send fire and destruction into the camp of the wicked. This book is highly recommended for the bookshelf of every family.