Crystals: Crystal Healing for Beginners: Discover the Healing Power of Crystals and Healing Stones for Health, Wealth, Relaxation, Love and...

Azalea King


Crystals Crystal Healing For Beginners: Discover The Healing Power Of Crystals And Healing Stones for Health, Wealth, Relaxation, Love and Clear Aura (Power Healing Stones, Crystal Energy Fields) Have you ever heard about the healing powers of crystals? Or, are you already a little bit familiar with the topic of healing crystals but you want to expend your knowledge and learn more about it? Do you possibly just want to learn new things about a new and unique topic? Are you looking to educate yourself on this topic in hopes of one day offering healing crystal treatment? Or, are you experiencing health problems, ailments or frustrations that you'd like to improve through healing stones and the healing stone process? Are you even looking to expend your personal healing crystal collection and practice? There is even a possibility that you're looking to know more about this topic but you have certain reservations. If your answer to any of these questions is "yes" then this is the book for you! Way to go on a great find!If you're not familiar or learned on the unique and wide world of healing crystals, then this book is a great educational tool for you! When stepping into a new topic and all of the information on it, it may seem overwhelming and impossible to gain the knowledge you need. You may also feel like you're not sure if this topic and new field is for you. You may even be worried, that, although you have specific health ailments, healing stones may not even be able to help. In other words, you may be feeling a bit skeptical. That's perfectly okay and even normal! You might feel like you're the only one with these thoughts, however, remember, you're not alone!