The Life of Trust: Being a Narrative of the Lord's Dealings with George Muller

The Life of Trust
George Müller


"George Muller is one of the most remarkable men of the century. The work which he has accomplished is without its parallel in all past history. It certainly is worth the study of all who aspire to a knowledge of the world's forces and the progress of mankind....This 'Life of Trust' has thrilled, inspired, and molded the lives of tens of thousands, and long will continue so to do." -New Outlook "One of the most remarkable publications of the present time....It details the unostentatious and persevering labors of Muller, and illustrates in a remarkable degree, the power of simple, living faith in the Divine promises. The author, a foreigner, without means, or any particular influence, with a heart filled with love for the poor orphans of England, and a desire to promote their temporal and spiritual good, conceived the idea of establishing an Orphan House for their benefit, relying entirely upon the voluntary charities of the public, and the prayer of faith for the accomplishment of his benevolent design. Commencing in circumstances of deep poverty, relying alone on prayer for the future, he began his efforts, and fully believing and expecting a supply adequate to the task he had undertaken, he persevered until ample grounds were secured, houses for seven hundred homeless orphans were erected, furnished, and provided with sustenance for their inmates, without a dollar of indebtedness....We hope Muller's 'Life of Trust' will find a place in every household. No one can read it and not feel more deeply the efficacy of prayer, and the power of an unyielding Christian Faith in the promises of the Word of Divine Truth." -Family Repository and Horticultural Cabinet "This is one of the most remarkable autobiographies ever written." -Christian Examiner "Fiction has never imagined any narrative so full of real interest as this, and we think it, in its way, worthy of being read in all families where honest John Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress' is a household book." -Philadelphia Press "No work of fiction ever imagined can be so full of real interest as this narrative of the Lord's dealings with George Muller; and nowhere outside of the Bible do we find a history which so fully exemplifies the trials, triumphs, and rewards of a life of faith." -Evangelical Repository "It is a book which no thoughtful man will read without amazement, and no Christian without feeling rebuked at his daily want of faith." -New York Examiner "An extensive and exhaustive work, tracing the course of events quite fully...Extremely interesting and abundantly worthy of a high place in biographical literature." -The Interior "We advise all who can to obtain and read the work." -Advocate and Family Guardian "Pastors and laymen are earnestly commending it to the people as fraught with suggestions, and lessons of the highest value, and the press declares it to be one of the most interesting and remarkable books ever published." -American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular "The whole narrative, indeed, is full of the evidences of a deep-toned piety, a godly and devout spirit, and an unwavering confidence in God. The lesson which it teaches is the value of prayer, and it can not fail to strength then faint-hearted and to quicken the faith of many who are ready to perish." -The Ladies' Repository

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