Bill Gates: Competition Strategies from the Master: Learn the Competition Strategies Used by Bill Gates and How to Apply His...

Bill Gates: Competition Strategies from the Master: Learn the Competition Strategies Used by Bill Gates and How to Apply His...
Bill Gates
Austin Brooks


Discover the life lessons from Barack Obama that can transform your life! Competition has been a common thread in Bill Gates life since he was born. Both of his parents had competitive careers and expected no less from him. Whether playing sports or excelling in the classroom, he was pressured to excel and rewarded for success. But, how can something as simple as winning prizes for soccer games translate into becoming the richest man in the world? While you may not have been born into this extreme environment of competition, this book will teach you all about the lessons of competition from the perspective of Gates' life and discover how to apply them to achieve success in your life. From his early childhood through his years at Microsoft and now in his current philanthropic pursuits, Gates' competitive attitude and actions are what have set him apart from the rest. Read this book and examine the ways in which a competitive mindset created the world's richest man. This a preview of the lessons you will get: 1. COMPETING FROM DAY ONE 2. BEYOND SUCCESS IN THE CLASSROOM 3. MAKING MICROSOFT: THE BEGINNINGS OF A COMPETITIVE COMPANY 4. NO SURVIVORS: GATES AND HIS COMPETITORS 5. COLLABORATIVE AND COMBATIVE: GATES AS MANAGER 6. THE CASE FOR COMPETITION AS A FORCE FOR POSITIVE CHANGE 7 COMPETITIVE SUCCESSES: NOT WITHOUT CRITICISM So are you ready to learn from the Bill Gatess life? Are you interested in learning about competition and leadership? Purchase you copy today and start competing as you read! ."

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