These are true ghost stories told by people from Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Idaho. These ghost stories have been featured in our first 12 books and include: - ''.... As time progressed, I did some local research of the house. I found that supposedly a death, suicide, or murder had taken place...'' - ''...It seemed like there was possibly more than one unknown living with us, but we joked and called all of them ''Charley.'' - ''...We then jumped in the truck and decided to get the hell out of there. My friend went to start the truck and the minute he turned the key ...'' - ''...every once in a while I see the occasional shadow at the foot of the bed, and I know it is just my great grandma...'' - ''...There were stairs that led up to a blank wall where there used to be passage from this room to the outside. We were instructed to never try and enter the room...'' - ''...In the morning I asked him why she was in there and where she got the gown from, and he told me that wasn't our daughter...'' The stories in this book is a small selection of all the stories on our site
The Moore - Egyptian Theater SEATTLE , WASHINGTON The ornate Moore Theater was built in 1907 as Seattle's first vaudeville theater . For a period during the late 1970s , it was run as a movie theater . The theater is heavily decorated ...
These are true ghost stories told by people from Oregon. These ghost stories have been featured in our first 12 books and our Pacific Northwest book and include:- ''.
An anthology of two hundred years of ghost lore compiles purportedly true stories from newspapers, journals, and magazines from across the United States
Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997. Alexander, Ken. Sumpter, Oregon: A History of the Rise and ... The Columbia River's “Ellis Island”: The Story of Knappton Cove. ... Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of the Boundary Country. Surrey, B.C.: Heritage ...
Contains 51 supposedly true, classic American ghost stories from newspapers, journals, and magazines.
Readers of Joy Harjo, Leslie Marmon Silko, and N. Scott Momaday will discover these stories with pleasure.
This is paranormal author Jeff Davis' third book of true ghost stories from the Pacific Northwest. This is a regional guide, which includes stories from southern Oregon to northern Washington State.
The stories that make up Ghosts of Yesterday are detailed and realistic portraits of the world that, despite (and perhaps because) of their authenticity, manage to convey a sense of wonder and fantastic, where anything is possible.
Join author Ira Wesley Kitmacher as he uncovers mysterious tales and takes readers on a road trip through this most haunted place in America.
Ghosts or spirits can take many shapes and forms; everything from wispy fog to glowing orbs of light to full-body apparitions. If you ever thought you saw a ghost, you would not be alone! ... 4 The GhosTly P Tales of The acific norThWesT.