What would your life be like if you completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit? God is seeking, in these last days, a people who would surrender all to Him, allowing Him to showcase His glory to the world. Many of God's children are not living up to the standards of His Son Jesus Christ and because they are controlling themselves, they are leaving the earth without fulfilling their true potential in God.Those who surrender to God operate in the realm of the Spirit in everyday life, and can be clearly identified in the world today by the manifestation of God's glory in their lives. Jesus surrendered himself to God's will and in this book, I seek to encourage believers to do the same.As this book was being written, the words were coming from deep within my belly and the Spirit of God flowed through my mouth. I know that those who read this book will experience the life changing presence of God which can change nations, if only they would release themselves to Him. When God has full control over the life of a person, their life will never be the same. I am a living testimony and I pray that you will allow God to do the same for you.