Serial Killer Book That You Have Never Seen Before! Analysis Of Criminal Minds, Patterns, Thinking, Reasons Why They Did What They Did! It is not in the natural wiring of a man (or woman) to take another man's life. It is even more unnatural when the person has a compulsion to keep taking lives, so that he satisfies some twisted craving. The psychology of serial killers is a bit difficult to explore. The reason is that it is not something that is set in rigid boundaries. It appears that after every murder, an extra layer is added to it. It also appears that the humane side of a serial killer dies a little more with every killing.Do you want to learn more about serial killers? Are you interested in knowing what led them down that path? If you do, this book does a great job of looking at what drove the different people to serial killers. It is important to note that nothing justifies taking life but rather we try to look at what made sense in the eyes of the serial killer to do what they did and with no remorse for their actions. Here Is A Sneak Peek Of What You Will Learn Donald "Pee Wee" Henry Gaskins Paul John Knowles: The Casanova Killer Tsutomu Miyazaki, The Murderer Of Little Girls Ted Bundy: The Crazy Necrophile Compilation And Linking Of The Mental States And Tics Of These Serial Killers And Much Much More... Do Not Wait Any Longer And Get This Book For Only $7.99!