Award-winning and New York Times bestselling author Brendan Kiely starts a conversation with white kids about race in this accessible introduction to white privilege and why allyship is so vital. Talking about racism can be hard, but... Most kids of color grow up talking about racism. They have “The Talk” with their families—the honest talk about survival in a racist world. But white kids don’t. They’re barely spoken to about race at all—and that needs to change. Because not talking about racism doesn’t make it go away. Not talking about white privilege doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The Other Talk begins this much-needed conversation for white kids. In an instantly relatable and deeply honest account of his own life, Brendan Kiely offers young readers a way to understand one’s own white privilege and why allyship is so vital, so that we can all start doing our part—today.
Offers practical advice to older readers on how they can talk to their adult children about their end-of-life needs.
In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.
Prestigious. Powerful. Privileged. This is Fullbrook Academy. Jules Devereux just wants to keep her head down, avoid distractions, and get into the right college, so she can leave Fullbrook and its old-boy social codes behind.
Expanding upon this work, Adele’s daughter, Joanna Faber, along with Julie King, coauthored the bestselling book, How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen.
She is the Other Woman--but she's only half the story. For every Other Woman, there is a wife or girlfriend whose relationship has been devastated--or surprisingly--blissfully liberated.
42 Remarkably , Gottman found : Gottman ( 1994 ) 42 The last found : Argyle and Cook ( 1976 , pp . 164–65 ) . 43 In this “ bible ” of diplomacy : Callières ( 1983/1716 , p . 145 ) . 43 Bill Raduchel , of Sun : “ All You Need to Know ...
The Gospel of Winter maps the ways love can be used as a weapon against the innocent—but can also, in the right hands, restore hope and even faith.
Amazon book reviews give How to Talk to the Other Side 4 1/2 stars out of 5. Here are some of the reviews: Kat wrote: "Highly recommended!" C.M. Horton wrote: "I read this book in one day and found it very interesting!
Books like this are written for the rest of us.” —Nancy Folbre, New York Times Book Review “How the Other Half Banks tells an important story, one in which we have allowed the profit motives of banks to trump the public interest.” ...
And I was actually daring to think that the day was going down much easier than I thought it would when I saw Dean Wyko walking down the hall between second and third periods. He stepped in front of me, one eyebrow raised, ...