Theodore Roosevelt had the good fortune to be born of a well-known, long-established family, with every facility for education and with an atmosphere of patriotism and disinterested service both to country and humanity all about him. In his father he had before him an example of lofty public spirit, from which it would have been difficult to depart. But if the work of his ancestors relieved him from the hard struggle which meets an unaided man at the outset, he also lacked the spur of necessity to prick the sides of his intent, in itself no small loss. As a balance to the opportunity which was his without labor, he had not only the later difficulties which come to him to whom fate has been kind at the start; he had also spread before him the temp-tations inseparable from such inherited advantages as fell to his lot-temptations to a life of sports and pleasure, to lettered ease, to an amateur's career in one of the fine arts, perhaps to a money-making business, likewise an inheritance, none of them easily to be set aside in obedience to the stern rule that the larger and more facile the opportunity the greater and more insistent the responsibility.
This book, the only full study of TR’s pre-presidential years, shows that he was an inevitable chief executive. “It was as if he were subconsciously aware that he was a man of many selves,” the author writes, “and set about ...
"Theodore Roosevelt’s writing has the same verve, panache, and energy as the life he lived. Perhaps no president in U.S. history—not even Jefferson—had so many opinions and intellectual interests, beli"
Reassesses the life and political career of Theodore Roosevelt and examines his accomplishments, including his dedication to environmental preservation, the construction of the Panama Canal, and his receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize.
I appreciate the help I got—often in the form of Xeroxed articles or proofreading—fro|n Sarah Phillips, Amy Iohnson, Dan Schneider, Ieanne l..aSaffre, Morey Rothberg, Connor Cooper, ...
Theodore Roosevelt was thrust into the presidency after William McKinley's assassination in 1901.
Compiles a selection of major works by Teddy Roosevelt, including excerpts from such pieces as Naval History of the War of 1812, The Winning of the West, The Peace of Righteousness, The Rough Riders, and History as Literature. Reprint.
David Steigerwald, “The Synthetic Politics of Woodrow Wilson,” Journal of the History of Ideas 50, no. 3 (Summer 1989): 465–84. Herbert Croly, “The Two Wilsons,” The New Republic, vol. 7 (September 9, 1916): 129.
... 316 Paris Peace Conference, 124m, 325 Parker, Alton Brooks, 168, 330 Parkman, Francis, xii, 298 Parrish, C. S., 318 Parthenon, ... 244 Roosevelt, Kermit, 113,324 Roosevelt, Quentin, 113,324 Roosevelt, Theodore, III, 113,324 360 INDEx.
1 and 2 New York The Wilderness Hunter American Big Game , with George Bird Grinnell The Winning of the West , vol . 3 Hero Tales from American History , with Henry Cabot Lodge Hunting in Many Lands , with George Bird Grinnell American ...
Each president's term influences events in America and around the world for years to come. This biography introduces young readers to the life of Theodore Roosevelt, beginning with his childhood as a naturalist in New York City, New York.