Indigenous women and girls are more likely to suffer extreme violence than other women. They are more likely to disappear and never be seen again. And sadly, they are more likely to be murdered by a serial killer. For decades, it has been Canada's dirty little secret. Then in 2014, the horrific murders of Loretta Saunders and Tina Fontaine made headlines across Canada, ignited widespread outrage and exposed Canada's national shame. So why is the level of violence towards Indigenous women reaching crisis levels? Centuries of discrimination, long term effects of the dreadful residential school era, and many other appalling government-approved practices have resulted in widespread racism towards Indigenous people. Attempts at genocide didn't cease centuries ago like many believe. They just became more subtle. Invisible Victims is a shocking work that shines a spotlight on the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women tragedy in Canada, its root causes and several cases. It also includes serial killers who specifically targeted Indigenous women as victims, as a direct result of indifference on the part of Canada's law enforcement, media and government.
Analyzing Frequently Victimized Yet Rarely Discussed Populations Blasdell, Raleigh, Krieger-Sample, Laura, Kilburn, Michelle ... by men.5 Early definitions of human trafficking largely overlooked male victims and the forced labor trade, ...
Invisible Victim
McHugh, P. Defining the Situation: The Organization of Meaning in Social Interaction. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968. Mendelsohn, Beniamin. “Victimology and Contemporary Society's Trends.” Victimology: An International Journal.
The book explores many features of 'invisible' crimes and in doing so provides numerous examples of hidden crimes and victimisations. The book will be invaluable to students of criminology at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
"This report details the challenges many women and girls with disabilities face throughout the justice process: reporting abuse to the police, obtaining appropriate medical care, having complaints investigated, navigating the court system, ...
Other countries in the Middle East, including Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Egypt, also do not warrant a Tier 1 ranking by the US State Department on meeting the minimum standards of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Iran ...
The author of this groundbreaking volume is not only a social scientist and victim advocate; she is also the mother of a murder victim.
Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar winner's speech on society and change (after all stalking is a concept that first emerged as a Hollywood-related phenomenon) echoes the fact that the personal is political and that we are all in this together.
Snap Shot Stories: Invisible Victims of Trafficking in Thailand
My deepest gratitude to Emi Kane, Jenny Lee, Karla Mejia, Dean Spade, Marie Tatro, Urvashi Vaid, and Kyona Watts for their invaluable friendship and support over the years in so many ways; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 247.