Finding Peace One Day at a Time: A Daily Journey in Seeing the Love and Joy You Have Today!

Finding Peace One Day at a Time: A Daily Journey in Seeing the Love and Joy You Have Today!
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Jerry Banfield


Thank you very much for getting started with this book! You are reading this now because I hope you have the chance to feel the love, peace, and joy I feel. If you read one chapter each day, you might be amazed before you are halfway through! You get 28 chapters in this book designed to be read one day at a time in the morning, throughout the day, or at night. I do this myself each day and share in my voice what I am learning in my daily journey of being the best person I can be today. Here are the titles for the 28 chapters in this book. From reading these, you can get a great idea of what this book will help you with! 1.Amazing things happen in appreciating the now. 2.How to thrive by taking your own advice. 3.Are you praying for help? You will receive it. 4.How to deal with uncertainty when you don't know. 5.Take your pick: choosing to be happy or sad. 6.How to take responsibility for your emotions and thrive. 7.How to tackle your problems right now. 8.Achieving happiness with positive affirmations every day. 9.Feeling tired? Create an uplifting daily self-care routine. 10.What could you gain from slowing down life? 11.How to continue consistent persistence every day. 12.Do you appreciate what you have today? 13.The benefits of sharing problems with others. 14.One easy solution to improving your mood. 15.How a daily prayer affirmation can improve your life. 16.Reality in the downside of wishful thinking. 17.You do make a unique impact in life. 18.Time travel is real - go backwards or forwards in time to appreciate now. 19.How can I love the people already in my life? 20.The key to overcoming fear with faith. 21.How to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. 22.Happiness challenge: how to master your mindfulness while sick. 23.Gaining peace in accepting your circumstances. 24.Perfect positioning: the right place at the right time in life. 25.How to treat emotional pain by eliminating physical pain. 26.Getting things done: how to get started on your goals. 27.How to simplify your lifestyle and have more than before. 28.How to be optimistic about death. Thank you for reading this book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it! Sincerely, Jerry Banfield