This is the First Edition of "California Family Law Handbook for Paralegals." The name has been changed to "The Paralegal Handbook for California Family Law" to distinguish it from the newly revised edition. Two California judges endorsed this textbook deeming it a great book for paralegals that is easy to read. It was written by an attorney who practiced family law for 25 years and currently teaches family law to paralegals. There is a companion workbook entitled "The Paralegal Workbook for California Family Law" that has questions for every chapter, student assignments and Judicial Council forms that have been updated as of July 1, 2016. This textbook is a comprehensive family law book and the only book on the market today that includes all of the important family law cases, codes and California Rules of Court. The Table of Contents is detailed enough to use for research and it has a large, extensive index. This is the book that family law paralegals and instructors have been wishing for.