This book is a compilation of CRS reports on abortion in the United States. The first chapter discusses the way legislation seeking to limit/ban abortions in midpregnancy has brought to attention the number of women choosing to have such procedures. The second report focuses on April 2018 in Mississippi, when the enforcement of a law prohibiting abortion on fetuses with a gestational age of more than 15 weeks was halted by a federal court. This prohibition is of particular interest to congress because of the early gestational age. The third chapter discusses those policies which restrict the United States funding of abortion and family planning activities abroad, which has become a significant issue in foreign assistance. Later, the court's rulings since Roe and Doe are examined in the fourth chapter in the context of the governmental actions designed to nullify or limit their effect(s). In the fifth report, the authors discuss recently renewed questions concerning to what extent the government may impose abortion restrictions on aliens. The concluding chapter aims to address whether the constitutional right to abortion applies to an unaccompanied alien minor who is apprehended at the border.
This book is a stirring must-read for anyone concerned with women's rights, as well as those who want to be better informed about this critical public health issue.
8 The Two Faces of Larry Porter Larry Porter * and I went way back - to medical school , in fact . I was a few years older than my classmates , and Larry seemed more mature than the rest of the crowd . Although he was several years my ...
Abortion's Aftermath
Colditz , Graham A. , Kathleen M. Egan , and Meir J. Stampher , “ Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Breast Cancer ... Pearson , Cynthia , “ FDA Waffles on Premarin Decision , ” The Network News , Volume 15 , July / August 1990 .
Lament for a "patriarchy Lost?": Anti-feminism, Anti-abortion and R.E.A.L. Women in Canada
The History of Abortion in the United States: A Working Bibliography of Journal Articles
The History of Birth Control in the United States: A Working Bibliography of Journal Articles
What biology tells us about human reproduction and embryology and the beginning of a human life.
The Impact of Post-Abortion Care Family Planning Counselling and Services in Low-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Evidence
But there's no going back to yesterday. Our hope lies in the New American Family--the family in all its various forms who are committed to God and to fighting the destructive forces so rampant in our nation.