In a powerful, poetic missive, award-winning author-illustrator Maxine Beneba Clarke celebrates the meaning behind the words Black Lives Matter. Little one, when we say Black Lives Matter, we’re saying Black people are wonderful-strong. That we deserve to be treated with basic respect, and that history’s done us wrong. . . . Darling, when we sing that Black Lives Matter, and we’re dancing through the streets, we’re saying: fear will not destroy our joy, defiance in our feet. In this joyful exploration of the Black Lives Matter motto, a loving narrator relays to a young Black child the strength and resonance behind the words. In family life, through school and beyond, the refrains echo and gain in power, among vignettes of protests and scenes of ancestors creating music on djembe drums. With deeply saturated illustrations rendered in jewel tones, Maxine Beneba Clarke offers a gorgeous, moving, and essential picture book.
This inspiring collection of accounts from educators and students is “an essential resource for all those seeking to build an antiracist school system” (Ibram X. Kendi).
Lee's fury was in keeping with frustrations from countless Black people across the country. The issue, they and Lee contend, is not so much that white people move into historically Black neighborhoods, but that they seem ...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling series comes the latest title in the Who HQ Now format for trending topics.
This is the story of one woman’s lessons through years of bringing people together to create change.
This first book in the series begins the conversation on race, with a supportive approach that considers both the child and the adult.
Dr. Bacote has contributed to books including Black Scholars in White Space: New Vistas in African American Studies from the Christian Academy; On Kuyper; Aliens in the Promised Land: Why Minority Leadership Is Overlooked in White ...
A Boston Globe–Horn Book Award winner, this joyous story from Maxine Beneba Clarke, beautifully illustrated by street artist Van Thanh Rudd, is now available as an ebook.
Why Do We Have To Say 'Black Lives Matter'? is the story of 9-year-old Jackson, who has trouble reconciling the term 'Black Lives Matter' as he watches his favorite athletes wear shirts with the phrase while they play sports on a national ...
This book affirms the message repeatedly, tenderly, with cumulative power and shared pride.
Joel Anderson, “Ferguson's Angry Young Men,” BuzzFeed, August 22, 2014, Johnetta Elzie, “When I Close My Eyes at Night, I See People Running from Tear Gas,” Ebony ...