Perspectives on English Language Education in Japan: (Volume One)

Perspectives on English Language Education in Japan: (Volume One)
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Tony Cripps


This collection of papers represents the research of 14 authors who are actively involved in trying to understand and improve English language education (ELE) in Japan. Ito provides a personal analysis of issues connected with ELE in Japan. His frank and honest assessment of the issues provides the perfect platform for the other papers in this book. Kimber's paper on learning English through an exchange program offers a fascinating analysis of students' study abroad experiences. Continuing the cultural theme, O'Connell looks at intercultural education in Japanese high school ELE and examines the connection between culture and language. Deacon takes us into the workings of a student-generated learning group and describes the dynamics of the groups' growth over a period of time. Croker, Kaiser and Kato raise the issue of using individual and interactive activities to help scaffold extensive reading at a Japanese University. Miles and Davanzo investigate Japanese learners' experiences of impromptu presentations in the classroom. In his paper on course level gamification Baber raises one of the growing topics within TEFL. Okado-Gough explores the issue of using L2 writing to prepare students for speaking activities and whether this results in increased motivation and willingness to communicate. Toyama's comparison of university students' self-efficacy beliefs as possible determinants of English language performance provides an insight into how students feel about their English ability. White's research on BYOT and BYOD explores the issue of parents' perceptions and opinions on their children using technology. Finally, Cripps gives an overview of some of the major problems connected with ELE in Japan and offers some practical solutions.