"Oh my dear William, depend upon it, it is not talent or learning (however estimable as instruments), nor might nor power, but "My Spirit, saith the Lord." It is a soul spending itself simply for this one end which God will honour and which He always has honoured since He first spoke to man; and just in proportion as other motives operate will He cause disappointment and vexation of spirit. The present state of the Church proves this; the Church has got machinery enough, talent of the first order, numbers, organizations, money, etc., etc., etc., and God seems to be standing aloof looking on and saying "You are trying to do My work in your own strength and in your own way, trying to build up systems and teach men's intellects, and please your own fancies, instead of ever remembering My word 'without Me ye can do nothing,' and taking hold of the strength and grace I hold out to you and going forth for My glory only to save mankind." This appears to me to be exactly the present position of the Church, God's glory is lost sight of, and man is set up in His place and worshipped; surely, then, God is just and true in withholding His Spirit till His Church learns her own weakness. I believe it is with ministers a revival must begin, their self sufficiency must be destroyed before God can use them, their motives must be pure before He will honour them. An unholy ministry is the greatest curse of the Church; I don't mean an immoral or outwardly unrighteous ministry, but one unholy in soul, polluted in motive. Talk of a stiff formal people, a cold do-nothing people, a worldly, proud people; where there is a devoted faithful, holy minister, I don't believe it; there never was such an anomaly lasted long. On the other hand, call up a faithful, devoted, holy man who seeks only God's glory, and be he talented or not, there you find a prosperous, active, living Church. " Catherine Booth to William Booth GET MORE BOOKS AT REVIVALPRESS.NET