Beyond the Storm: How to Rise Above the Wind and Waves in Your Life

Beyond the Storm: How to Rise Above the Wind and Waves in Your Life
Beyond the Storm
Sharah Lagail Wyatt


Storms will try to come. The question is not whether we will experience challenges - for they will come. The question is how we will react to the battles when they do come. The wind will try to rage and the waves will try to roar, but they have no power over us when we have faith in God. He has given us the power to call out to the wind and sea in our life and they will obey our command. Whatever storm you may face, there are miracles waiting for you on the other side of the storm. We each carry within us the compassion and power of Christ which people need, but such miracles can only be done if we choose to step beyond the present time of trouble into the greater works that await us. This motivating book chronicles the life of Jesus and the storms which He encountered. Because Jesus chose to live beyond the wind and waves which repeatedly came against Him, every storm was accompanied by a multitude of miracles. Jesus did not deny the storm, He did not succumb to the storm, He did not defy the storm - He lived BEYOND the Storm. By following Christ's example, we also can know and experience a life of miracles, when we choose to live...Beyond the Storm.

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