Now that Mike and Cassandra are back together, Mike is finally put back together. But now he has to tell Cassandra what he did with Laura, and he isn't looking forward to it. And on top of that, he has to meet her parents-and tell them he knocked up their daughter. Andrew is forced into a date he doesn't want to have, but when Sean finds out about it, he isn't happy. His dad shouldn't be dating so soon after the divorce. He doesn't know what to do. Should he tell his dad about his mother's sickness? Ryan finally tells Cortland what Monnique did even though he dreads it. But Cortland's reaction surprises him. After Cortland finds out about Monnique, it changes their relationship. But can they still stay together? Hazel is madly in love with Flynn, but when he invites her to meet his family, she's terrified. Her insecurities come to the surface. And when she finds out about Flynn's promiscuous past, she realizes it really bothers her-more than she thought it did.
Ever, These letters are often all that get me through week to week. Even if it's just random stuff, nothing important, they're important to me. Gramps is great, and I...
As her son grows up from little boy to adult man, a mother secretly rocks him each night as he sleeps.
Soon to be a major motion picture coming to Netflix in 2021—the first two movies in the series are streaming now! Lara Jean is having the best senior year a girl could ever hope for.
A family of forest animals learns to cope with the death of a loved one.
Forever and For Always (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 2)
“Like Holmes and Watson.” “More like Lucy and Ricky,” Linc said, and I laughed. Concentrating, I tried to find the other machines in the room but with their not being on, it wasn't easy. I think someone had turned off the circuit ...
The modern world has been transformed into a land of myth, a magical place where fabulous beasts soar on the air currents, a terrifying place where shape-shifting monsters stalk the cities.
True love goes beyond words.
This book reflects a multi disciplinary, integrative approach to the theology and practice of relational intimacy.
Born to a prestigious political family, Avery Adams plays as hard as he works.