One Square Mile

One Square Mile
One Square Mile
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Roseanne Bennett


Hannah Lindstrom had two loves...and, she lost both of them in tragedies that left her terribly scarred and physically broken. To survive she throws herself into keeping the dreams of her loved ones alive as she tends to the one square mile of land that is the L-H Ranch. Set in beautiful northeastern Minnesota, the elements of danger lurk and Hannah and her small band of trusted ranch-hands struggle to rise above them. When she receives an email from her old friends, asking her to take on the task of getting their oldest child to get off the fast track to self-destruction--she hesitates, remembering the gawky high school boy that she'd met all those years ago in NYC. She doesn't need the headache of being a babysitter to a spoiled, wealthy brat, but she is in desperate need of summer help, and she agrees to take on the challenge. When Zac Van Scoy pulls into the L-H Ranch on his loud motorcycle, Hannah realizes that he is no longer a boy. He is a very gorgeous man who has graduated from law school and was headed to a career in pro-ball when it got derailed. He's bright, stubborn, and passionate. He recognizes the growing sparks between him and his new boss. Hannah can't let go of the ten-year difference in their ages, and she fights her desires for Zac as she works even harder to make her ranch a success. Fighting floods, raging snowstorms, cattle drives, injuries, drug lords, and the small town gossip mill, is enough to dampen any passion...but, the sense of fear and guilt over her desire of the forbidden is even greater.

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