Lincoln's White House is the first book devoted to capturing the look, feel, and smell of the executive mansion from Lincoln's inauguration in 1861 to his assassination in 1865.
" This new edition is essential in part because Dennett omitted approximately 10 percent of Hay’s 1861–64 entries. Not only did the Dennett edition omit important parts of the diaries, it also introduced some glaring errors.
Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln: The Story of a Picture
From the day of Abraham Lincoln's inauguration, a nation divided by savage conflict confronted the new president.
Orton stayed at the Willard sometimes—as well as the St. Charles —and Lemagne was at the St. Charles. Was Orton simply trying to protect his weak and ill sister from Lemagne for some reason? He didn't seem to be a particularly warm and ...
He also expresses opinions that were almost certainly shaped by the president For this volume, Michael Burlingame includes all of Nicolay’s memoranda of conversations, all of the journal entries describing Lincoln’s activities, and ...
But until the National Trust for Historic Preservation began restoring the cottage, little had been done to explore this missing link in Lincoln’s life. Elizabeth Smith Brownstein fills in a critical gap.
William T. Coggeshall, Lincoln Memorial: The Journeys of Abraham Lincoln: From Springfield to Washington, 1861, ... Man and Martyr, 36; AL-AL, 2:824; Holzer, President Lincoln Assassinated, 310; Martha Hodes, Mourning Lincoln (New Haven ...
Lincoln's Other White House is a vivid evocation of a turbulent era, and an intimate portrait of the still elusive president.
The Adventurous Life of William O.Stoddard William O. Stoddard Director of the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at ... With them was their brother, Judge Porter, an eminent lawyer, and his family, and their sister, Mrs. Farley, ...
KILPATRICK'S RAID As to the dash to the gates of Richmond , if it had not been widely hoped that Kilpatrick would succeed in striking a blow at the city itself , his exploit would receive great praise for its boldness , celerity , and ...