"This multimedia book generates a rich conversation about food sovereignty, initiated by eight collaborators in the Legacies Project, an intergenerational and intercultural exchange between food justice activists and artists"--
" ... Concise explanations and descriptions - easily read and readily understood - of what we know of the chain of events and processes that connect the Sun to the Earth, with special emphasis on space weather and Sun-Climate.
Cooking in Other Women's Kitchens: Domestic Workers in the South, 1965–1960. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Shields, David. 2015. Southern Provisions: The Creation and Revival of a Cuisine.
The sixtieth anniversary edition of Frantz Fanon’s landmark text, now with a new introduction by Cornel West First published in 1961, and reissued in this sixtieth anniversary edition with a powerful new introduction by Cornel West, ...
The two breeds that achieved the greatest recognition as beef cattle were the Angus, a purely black species bred in Aberdeenshire and Angus in northeast Scotland; and the Hereford, a red-and-white breed that originated in Herefordshire, ...
This book analyzes state capitalism in Brazilian agri-food under neoliberalism and investigates the actions of the Workers’ Party administration’s attempts to counter the negative consequences of neoliberalism and globalization.
Black Girls collects and explores the stories of some of the first among these workers.
This book includes interviews and observations from benefit recipients and social-service agents based on a two-year ethnographic study of poverty and insecurity in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
This committee oversees almost all issues related to agricultural economics and research, including crop insurance and soil conservation, food stamp programs, human nutrition, rural development, and school nutrition programs.
This groundbreaking volume showcases the exciting work emerging from the ethnography of media, a burgeoning new area in anthropology that expands both social theory and ethnographic fieldwork to examine the way media—film, television, ...
The bestselling business book from award-winning restauranteur Danny Meyer, of Union Square Cafe, Gramercy Tavern, and Shake Shack Seventy-five percent of all new restaurant ventures fail, and of those that do stick around, only a few ...