Women and Politics: Paths to Power and Political Influence examines the role of women in politics from the early women’s movement to the female politicians in power today. Focusing on women whose stories have not yet been told, this book includes new analysis and scholarship on the experiences and viewpoints of conservative women, women of color, LGBT women, and millennial women.
A timely book on the unfinished work of representative democracy, 100 Questions about Women and Politics takes a comprehensive yet concise approach to demystifying the major issues dominating the study of gender and government.
This is the first book to analyse the complexities of women's political participation on a cross-national scale and from a feminist perspective.
Women the world over are being prevented from engaging in politics. Women's political leadership of any sort is a rarity and a career in politics rarer still.
Aiming to fill the gap is this timely and important study of the various obstacles and opportunities for women's political participation and representation in Asia.
Women and Politics in a Global World, Third Edition, is the only text that offers a cross-national and comparative examination of the impact of women on politics--and the impact of politics on women.
This book provides the first comprehensive account of this phenomenon, exploring how women came to give these experiences a name: violence against women in politics.
There have indeed been a few important moments such as Frances Benjamin Johnston's photographic documentation of Hampton Institute around the turn of the century or W. Eugene Smith's 1951 photo-essay in Life entitled “Nurse-Midwife.
The second volume profiles 22 different countries, representing a broad range of governments, economies, and cultures.
Delving into the pressing topic of gender and politics, this volume provides fresh comparative perspectives on "what works" to promote women in politics today.
Synthesizing literature on quota policies, this book develops a framework for analyzing the spread of quota provisions and the reasons for variations in their effects.