In this book David Andrew Snider provides a playbook for anyone interested in navigating the arts and arts management in this new era. Through clear lessons, relevant case studies, and a series of fun, interactive activities, the author shares core principles of arts management and how to adapt and innovate in these extraordinary times
This book addresses each element of the cycle in the hope that more arts organizations around the globe—from orchestras, theaters, museums, opera companies, and classical and modern dance organizations to service organizations and other ...
Source: Joyce L. Stephens, Bylaws, 2nd edition, Frederick Publishers. Largo. Florida, 2000. Used with permission. For more information about bylaws go to: glossary/g/bylaws.htm. Once an organization has ...
(1994). Washington, DC: National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and National Endowment for the Arts. Everyone's Welcome: Universal Access in Museums. (1996). Washington, DC: American Association of Museums. Hillman, G. (1996).
Martin Mayer, "The Opera," in The Performing Arts and American Society, W. McNeil Lowry, ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Spectrum Books, 1977), p. 45. W. McNeil Lowry, ed. The Performing Arts and American Society (Englewood ...
... company basically, was performing, doing an annual Nutcracker with a lot of local schools participating. It looked a lot different. MISSION AND VISION With Elizabeth's leadership, the MBC has grown its mission and vision. The company ...
Separate sections cover Performing and Visual Arts Management, Arts Management Education and Careers, and Arts Management: Government, Nonprofits, and Evaluation. The book also includes a chapter on grants and raising money in the arts.
Practical advice (supported by extensive case studies) for fixing troubled arts organizations
Gary M. Grobman and Gary B. Grant, Fundraising Online, Harrisburg, PA: White Hat Communications, 2006. Mary Hall and Susan Howlett, Getting Funded — The Complete Guide to Writing Grant Proposals, 4th edition, Portland State University ...
Managing Stakeholder Problems in Nonprofit Arts Organizations Mary Tschirhart ... Daft and Weick ( 1984 ) and Milliken ( 1990 ) to encompass leaders ' identification of changes in their organization's environment , interpretation of the ...
Our trusted reference book Fundamentals of Arts Management is utilized by 45% of college and university arts management programs in the U.S. Updated and expanded, the 6th edition contains 4 new chapters on Art and Cultural Policy, Greening ...