The making of the acclaimed, award-winning TV show told exactly as it occurred. For fans of the hit show Fargo and bestselling author Noah Hawley comes the perfect collector's item. This companion to the first three seasons of the award-winning, celebrated TV drama is packed with script selections (including all three pilots), candid behind-the-scenes photography, pitch documents, and interviews with cast and crew. Learn about what makes Lorne Malvo tick through an interview with Billy Bob Thortan, discover Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemon's favorite scenes, see what it was like for Ewan McGregor to play both brothers, and find out why the show almost, but didn't use the same cast for all three seasons. Dive into these captivating and twisted characters like never before.
Established in 1872 when the Northern Pacific crossed the Red River from Moorhead, Fargo quickly became an important town.
The first person I need to thank is my agent, Todd Keithley, who believed in this project with the intensity of a wolverine on crack. I also must mention Matthew Kalash and his associate Sid Jenkins, who innocently introduced me to Todd ...
W.M. Wemett, “Real Settlement of North Dakota Came With the Railroad,” Fargo Forum, April 4, 1923. “Pioneer Tells of Early Days: 'Wild and Wooly' West Not So Wild; Good Fellowship Prevailed,” unknown source, Institute for Regional ...
The true story of the Coen Brothers' film of murder, mayhem, and malfeasance on the frozen landscapes of Minnesota and North Dakota. This is an inside look at how the film Fargo came to be.
Susan Woodward argues that the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s are “inseparable from international change and interdependence and [are] not confined to the Balkans but [are] part of a more widespread phenomenon of political ...
City Council Meeting Minutes, Fargo, North Dakota, 1893–1896. MSS 42, Box 4. Institute for Regional Studies, Fargo, North Dakota. Daily Argus. Fargo Argus Fire Anniversary Edition, June 7, 1894. ———. “Fargo in 1880: A Glance at the Past ...
Fargo exposes the dark side of existence, but the grimness of the tale is alleviated by the laconic humor with which the characters greet their fates.
The history of these floods is covered in the photographs contained in this book, including many provided by residents, local flood-fighting crews, and state and federal agencies.
An edgy, addictive, and fiendishly clever tale of ambition, deceit, and power suited for fans of the film Black Swan, Temper “revels in its mind games, delivering twist after twist as it races toward a Shakespearian climax.
Professor Fargo