Sons of the Resurrection: The Jump to Light Speed and the Realm Eternal

Billy Arnett


Sons of The Resurrection: The Jump to Light Speed and the Realm Eternal, by Billy Arnett, a scripturally, accurate, fictional account of future events in the Kingdom of God and the transformation of the seven churches, becoming superhuman, immortal, Sons of God... the Sons of The Resurrection.Assisted by the NineChoirs, the Holy angels of God, they face Satan, the powers of darkness, and war torn planet earth on their journey. Warriors and worshipers, they make the ride of a thousand lifetimes, back to earth from the Wedding Feast, the Marriage Supper of The Lamb, with the Captain of the Lord's Host, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords and the armies of heaven. They have been chosen to rule over the nations with a rod of iron during the One Day, a day with no night.Each of the seven sons have their own strengths and weaknesses, attributes that distinguish them from one another, pointed out by Christ himself in the letters to the seven churches, in the Book of Revelation. These writings tell biblically accurate, yet, fictional accounts of their walk on the narrow path to paradise. There they find a city of pure gold and the supernatural abilities afforded them by God through the chemistry of their new glorified bodies with a chemical base of light, instead of water.The transformation, the ride, and the reward bring them to a place of equality with the NineChoirs. After having been made a little lower than the angels, they are now joint heirs with the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and are given the right to sit with Him in his throne as Sons of The Resurrection.

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