240 The Seventh Circuit rejected a defendant's argument that the Commission's proposed amendment " indicate [ s ] the Sentencing Commission obviously did not consider the racially ... Gaines , 122 F.3d 324 ( 6th 245United States v .
Federal Sentencing Guide
The Federal Sentencing Guidebook: A Primer for Attorneys and Defendants, Family and Friends
"Report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Criminal Sentencing : background paper."--T.p.
Report of the Standing Committee on Legislation in Relation to the Sentencing Matrix Bill 1999
The Third Edition has been updated to include recent developments in sentencing case law and provocative discussions of policy debates across a wide range of topics, including discretion in sentencing, race, death penalty abolition, state ...
Freiberg focuses on Victorian & federal sentencing law with extensive coverage of appellate decisions in every Australian jurisdiction, particularly in relation to matters of general principle.