This book provides a self-contained introduction to the topology and geometry of surfaces and three-manifolds. The main goal is to describe Thurston's geometrisation of three-manifolds, proved by Perelman in 2002. The book is divided into three parts: the first is devoted to hyperbolic geometry, the second to surfaces, and the third to three-manifolds. It contains complete proofs of Mostow's rigidity, the thick-thin decomposition, Thurston's classification of the diffeomorphisms of surfaces (via Bonahon's geodesic currents), the prime and JSJ decomposition, the topological and geometric classification of Seifert manifolds, and Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn filling Theorem.
E ́ Ghys and P. de la Harpe, Espaces métriques hyperboliques (hyperbolic metric spaces), Sur les groupes hyperboliques d'aprés Mikhael ... M. Handel and L. Mosher, The free splitting complex of a free group, I: hyperbolicity, Geom.
WILLIAM P AUTOR THURSTON, William P. Thurston Silvio Levy, Silvio Vieira Ferreira Levy. tangent cones , one for each simplex containing r ; the derivative dfr is linear when restricted to each tangent cone .
In the first part of this book, in analogy with the concepts of classical hyperbolic geometry, the authors provide a systematic account of the basic theory of Gromov hyperbolic spaces.