Adventuring is a costly affair, and while the tolls are often paid in blood, gold can drain away just as quickly. The party's trek out of Solium and across the lands of Alcatham has left them with only a handful of gold between them. Fortunately, they have drawn near Camnarael, Alcatham's capital, where all manner of quests--and rewards--await. But all is not as expected in the capital. Unusual occurrences have been happening throughout Camnarael: figures in the shadows making unsavory bargains, attackers harassing innocent parishioners, and adventurers from all over the land gathering to partake in a Grand Quest offered by the royal family. Most curious of all are the rumors that speak of a strange artifact serving as the reward for this rare and legendary quest... an artifact that sounds just a bit too familiar to the former NPCs.
Poursuite de la saga animalière du grand corbeau.
Fright and babbling were making him leer and blink , as though he were Kyle's confederate all of a sudden in some conspiracy . “ She's thinkin ' , why don't my man get into that room and get him a gun , see , and take care of y ' .
'Out of Time' is a mystery thriller with historical detection/time travel and quest spanning 1200 years.
The story builds to a climax as all the peoples of Rice Boy's peculiar world take sides, invested in the ultimate success or failure of his undertaking.
Au-delà de la thématique de Noël, c'est un album sur le partage, la solidarité et la générosité que proposent Gilles Tibo et Sabrina Gendron.
En los relatos de mar se destacan las novelas Los botes del Glen Carrig ( 1907 ) y Los espectros del mar ( 1909 ) , además de los relatos de Aguas profundas o Un horror tropical . En el plano del terror metafísico , se destacó sobre ...
Twig, a young sky pirate captain, risks his ship and crew to find his father in the vortex of the Mother Storm.
It is the biggest treasure hunt in history with contesting nations involved in a headlong race to locate the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 4500 years ago, a magnificent golden capstone sat at the peak of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
. . 'The action never stops in Dragonsight. Countess Jelindel dek Mediesar, Darentor and Zimak are sent on a desperate quest to recover a stolen jade talisman called the dragonsight.
And only six weeks to find a stolen dragon relic ... "The action never stops in Dragonsight . Countess Jelindel dek Mediesar, Daretor and Zimak are sent on a desperate quest to recover a stolen jade talisman called the dragonsight.