Kaz Matsune is a renowned Sushi chef, with over sixteen years of experience, who worked at many Sushi restaurants in Los Angeles and San Francisco, presents you the book with all the answers you have ever had about Sushi but were afraid to ask. Sushi, a Japanese dish that has captured the world's taste buds because of its variety and unique cooking techniques. This book has almost all the answers and everything you want to know broken down logically and explained clearly. It's a book that you can read and enrich your Sushi experience as if you were in Japan as well as enable yourself to enjoy the diversified Sushi in a cavalier fashion. Kaz, started 'Breakthrough Sushi' to teach Sushi classes using organic and sustainable ingredients. In spite of his busy schedule he loves to write. With the undeniable passion of Sushi making and writing he has put together many answers related to Sushi that you shouldn't miss out.