2nd Edition with over 150 illustrations How can we have freewill when it seems that our lives are already predetermined by God? "For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish." (ISAIAH 46:10) One of Stephen Hawking's theories makes it possible for us to have freewill while at the same time it enables God to know the future before it happens. The explanation is simply amazing! This is the story how Hawking ducked and weaved to avoid the evidence that his theories kept leading him to, namely that God created the Universe. However, in the end he came face to face with the Divine Author and ironically, it was one of his theories that made that fateful confrontation possible. But he could not bring himself to overcome his religious paradigm and acknowledge what his eyes had clearly been revealing to him. By reading this book not only will you learn about Hawking's brush with the Divine Author on a number of occasions, but you will also gain a good grounding on Black Holes, the Steady State Theory of Fred Hoyle, the Big Bang, Hawking Radiation, Einstein's theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Imaginary Time, String theory and more. This will enable you to make an an informed judgement as to the premise of this book, that, "In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth." As for Hawking, having been unable to contradict his own theories any more and in a final act of frustration and self-betrayal he adopted a theory that was not even one of his own - M-theory. Now here is the irony of it. By all accounts M-theory is not a genuine theory but rather it is philosophical speculation disguised as science. Sir Roger Penrose, who shared the Wolf Prize for physics with Hawking in 1988 said on a radio show in 2010, ..". M-Theory isn't even a theory. It's a collection of ideas, hopes, aspirations. It's not even a theory." For any scientist, let alone a science superstar like Hawking, to disparage philosophy on the one hand, and then proceed to engage in it by adopting a self contradictory philosophical stance on the other, with M-theory, is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. What a sad end to such a remarkable man, who has captured the hearts and minds of so many people. But is it the end? Hawking's story is not finished yet. He once said: "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Thus, it is in the realm of possibility that he may read this book, which goes over his theories that often point to God and change his mind. Stephen, if you are reading this, it is not too late to change your mind and believe what your eyes have been telling you all along. The question is will you? The world waits with bated breath upon your decision.