Shamanism for Beginners: Shamanic Journeying and Other Methods - a Workbook with Four Lessons

Shamanism for Beginners: Shamanic Journeying and Other Methods - a Workbook with Four Lessons
Shamanism for Beginners
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform


In four lessons, this workbook for beginners shows you how to do shamanic journeying, search for a spirit animal and a spirit teacher. You will learn how to do spirit animal dancing and trance dancing and how to find your own personal spirit song. There is additional information about shamanism and a detailed appendix with recommendable books, music and more. Included is a link to five downloadable mp3 audiofiles (guided shamanic journeys and others) which are recommended to work with when using this book. These files can be downloaded with no extra costs. No previous knowledge is required. What is the benefit of shamanic journeying? For spiritual self-awareness To find answers on important questions of life and to make decisions for more inner strength, self-esteem and clarity, also in difficult situations to strengthen the trust in oneself and one's abilities To find out about one's needs and wishes To find out what one is destined to or wants to achieve in life To feel connected (again) to the big picture" Advantages of this workbook You can learn the shamanic journey in your own rooms and do not need to drive or go to another place. You can find out if shamanic journeying resonates with you and learn at your own pace. Included is a link to five audio files. There are four with guided journeys that help you to get started. When you are more experienced you can also listen to the drum and rattle file without text, a drumming music of your choice. Or drum yourself, if you like. You save quite a bit, because you don't have to participate in a whole weekend workshop or extensive course. This workbook is based on methods of Core-Shamanism which the author learned at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Europe. The workbook is divided into four lessons. It's recommended that you take at least one week and up to circa one month of time for each of the lessons. If you need a bit longer, no problem. Try to do every exercise two or three times a week, or more if you wish. The exercises last about half an hour yet you can also extend them a bit. Please note: This workbook is for your self-awareness and entertainment. You have to be 18 or older. The author does not give any promises of healing effects. Working with this book cannot replace a thorough shamanic education, shamanic healing sessions, a therapy or an appointment with a academic doctor. If you have a severe mental or neurologic illness (like clinical depression, epilepsy or schizophrenia) this workbook is NOT suited for you."

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