The Best Sweet Potato Cookbook You Will Purchase for Yourself!: Enjoy This Complete and Awesome Sweet Potato Cookbook!

The Best Sweet Potato Cookbook You Will Purchase for Yourself!: Enjoy This Complete and Awesome Sweet Potato Cookbook!
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Ted Alling


Many of you have been possibly told to cut your consumption of potatoes in your diet. Potatoes do contain carbs that is a fact and if you are going to follow a low carbs diet, the white potatoes you once ate almost daily, should be eliminate from your regular diet. But what about the sweet potatoes, what's the deal with them? Do they contain carbs as well? Let's clarify a few of these myths or questions you have in this Sweet Potato Cookbook. Nothing like educating ourselves and stop trying to figure out the truth. Let's stop only listening to the local farmers, supermarket clerk, health specialist, and mother-in-law's and best friends. We love them all, but it does not mean that they know the main nutritional differences between white potatoes and sweet potatoes! We do, and will share with you in the next chapter about the subject. We will also tell you all about the vitamins, minerals and by consequence health benefits of keeping the sweet potatoes as part of your diet, in moderation, of course. We will list many Sweet potato Recipes you can easily prepare any day of the week. Do not worry; you do not always have to use your oven to bake these potatoes. We will teach you other ways to serve your family and loved ones these delicious creations hearty veggies. Trust us, we do know how important the sweet potatoes casserole your grand-mother thought you how to make when you are young is to you, and we will not take it away from you. We will add on to your recipes collection. We will ensure that you don't get tired of always eating the sweet orange potatoes you like the same boring or uncreative way.