Did you know that the same wind that messes up your hair can be used to create energy? How exactly do you harness the wind? And what is the effect on the environment? Read this book to find out all about wind energy.
Examines the history, techniques, racing events, and more of windsurfing.
His book tells the story of modern wind energy in all its complexity and introduces electricity rebels for the first time-- the trailblazers who have launched a renewable energy revolution by taking power into their own hands."--
This hydropower can run the computer and the lights in your home. How exactly do we get it, though? And what is the impact on our environment? Read this book to find out all about hydropower.
Offers an introduction to wind energy, describes the different types of systems that can be used to convert the natural resource into electricity, and explains how important components in the system work.
Relates the history of the efforts to capture the power of wind for electricity, from the first European windmills to California's wind farms of the late twentieth century.
Manufacturers included Jacobs Wind, Wincharger, Miller Airlite, Universal Aeroelectric, Paris-Dunn, Airline, and Winpower. Most designs generated a few hundred watts to several kilowatts.
The overwhelming challenge of transforming our world from one of fossil carbon to one of clean power seems daunting at best—and paralyzingly impractical at worst. Wind Energy Basics offers a solution.
It includes a case study of the mid-Atlantic highlands, a mountainous area that spans parts of West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. This book will inform policy makers at the federal, state, and local levels.
Betws Mountain Preservation Guide (Wales) 3. Blue Highlands Citizens Coalition (Ontario) 4. BOLT – Birdsedge Opposition to Large Turbines (England) 5. Carrajung and Blackwarry Residents Against Windfarms (Victoria, Australia) 6.
Harnessing the wind can be a tricky business, but in this ground-breaking book the authors provide step-by-step, illustrated instructions for building a wind generator in a home workshop and then installing it in an off-grid home electrical ...