Whoppers: History's Most Outrageous Lies and Liars

Whoppers: History's Most Outrageous Lies and Liars
Young Adult Nonfiction
Zest Books ™
Christine Seifert


History of full of liars. Not just little-white-telling liars, but big-honkin', whopper-telling liars—people who can convince us that even the most improbable, outrageous, nonsensical stories are true. And the worst part is that we'll believe it. Whoppers tells the story of history's greatest liars and the lies they told, providing a mix of narrative profiles of super-famous liars, lies, and/or hoaxes, as well as more obscure episodes. Famous liars include people you might have learned about in school, like P. T. Barnum, who basically made a living lying to people for money; liars you might never have heard of before, like Victor Lustig, who managed to "sell" the Eiffel Tower twice in the 1920s; and hoaxes like the Loch Ness Monster Photo Hoax. The book will also include illustrations, sidebars, and infographics.

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