India Through the Ages: A Popular and Picturesque History of Hindustan by Flora Annie Steel.A history, above all one which claims to hold no original research, but simply to be a compilation of the work of others, needs no introduction save the compiler's thanks to many who have been consulted.One word, however, may be said regarding the only accent used--the circumflex.This is put always on the tone of stress; that is to say, on the syllable to be accented. Thus M�lwa, Amb�r, Jeysulm�r, Him�lya, Vizigapat�m. Where no accent appears the syllables are of equal value.Hindustan is derived from the Modern Persian word Hindu. In Old Persian, the region beyond the Indus River was referred to as Hindus, hence Modern Persian Hind, Hindu. This combined with the Iranian suffix-stan results in Hindustan, "land of the Indus". 1st century BCE, the term "Hein-tu" was used by Chinese. Term came into common use under the Mughals who referred to their dominion, centered on Delhi, as 'Hindustan'.
India Through the Ages is a book that takes the reader on an unforgettable journey, exploring a fascinating country. The book brings alive India’s growth from an ancient to a...
Through short snapshots and wacky trivia, this book gives you a glimpse into the vibrant culture of India, as you learn about the life and times of kings, queens, viceroys and even ordinary children!
These Volumes would be useful for social scientists, researchers and students in India and abroad.
Bihar Through the Ages
In this treatise, an attempt has been made to present a glimpse into the historical perspective of Indian tribes, their demography, constitutional and legal provisions relating to their protection and development, working of the safeguards ...
It serves as a standard reference book giving a lucid profile, historical background, religion and customs of its post independence problems and developments.
Encyclopaedia of Indian Women Through the Ages: Period of freedom struggle
Rajasthan Through the Ages
- - Indian Culture & Heritage Information, Lucknow.
Did you know that the ancient Romans filled their mattresses with rose petals, soap didn't exist until A.D. 1200, or that brown was the most popular color for Victorian wedding...