Stakeholder Management: 50 Ways That You Can Become Brilliant at Project Stakeholder Management, Or How to Engage, Inspire and Manage...

Stakeholder Management: 50 Ways That You Can Become Brilliant at Project Stakeholder Management, Or How to Engage, Inspire and Manage...
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Bryan Barrow


Are you struggling to engage your key stakeholders?Do you lose sleep the night before important meetings because you are worried about how things will turn out? Have you failed to complete an important project on time because you didn't know how to get people to stick to their commitments? If you would like to become better at influencing and persuasion, but don't know where to begin, then start here! "Stakeholder Management: 50 Quick and Easy Ways That you can Become Brilliant at Project Stakeholder Management" explains the essential steps to successful stakeholder management, using a step-by-step approach. You will learn: How to easily identify all of your key stakeholder groups How to quickly build enthusiasm and motivation How to get people to commit to your delivery dates How to create an army of advocates who support your project from start to finish When to turn on the charm and when to turn up the heat When to say no to difficult stakeholders. This is a no-nonsense, tips based book intended to be used to boost results. It can be read from cover to cover but is better off being used as a reference guide. The book supports the entire stakeholder management process and includes tips aimed at both beginners and more seasoned practitioners. Who is this book for? Those who stand to benefit most from this book include: Project management professionals, including Project Managers, Programme Managers, Project Directors, Portfolio Managers, Project Management Office (PMO) Managers Consultants, including Management Consultants, Business Consultants, Business Analysts, Requirements Managers, Independent Consultants and Business Owners Those with responsibility for managing resources, including Practice Managers, Line Managers and Resource Managers Business Managers and leaders, including Executive Management, Line Managers / Operations Managers with project responsibilities, Those with responsibility for project funding and benefits management, including Project Sponsors, Finance Directors, Project Directors, Account Managers, Account Directors New and aspiring managers looking to develop and progress their careers and needing to learn how to cultivate and develop business relationships. Table of Contents: How to get the most from this book Stakeholder Management 101 Stakeholder Management mistakes you need to avoid Stakeholder Identification tips Stakeholder Analysis tips Stakeholder Communication tips Stakeholder Management tips Stakeholder Relationship tips Frequently Asked Questions about Stakeholder Management Process Visuals About the author Quote from the author Bryan Barrow: "I wrote this book to address a gap that exists in the skill set of many people who work in the project management profession. For too long we have watched projects fail, despite the millions spent on project management tools, training and certification, and the billions wasted on failed and failing projects. "The underlying causes of so many failures is related to the way that people and groups communicate and collaborate. This is where we stand to make the greatest improvement, because stakeholder management is a topic that is only now getting the attention that it so desperately deserves."

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